fiddle leaf fig brown spots on new growth

This will ensure plenty of light and aeration for the plant. Maybe your baby leaf comes out covered in red dots, or dries out and falls off, or grows out with holes. The little brown spots are also common in young foliage and usually go away as the leaf matures. If you notice more brown spots on your older growth near the bottom of the plant, root rot could be to blame. This prevents the water from reaching the root ball. Examine your fiddle leaf fig to determine the following: Once you’ve taken a good look at your brown spots and reviewed the characteristics, it’s time to figure out what the cause is. If the rotting and browning of spots are just at the initial stage, better to avoid repotting. But what may be new to you is how and when to do it, and which type is best. If you think your plant has root rot, you can use a moisture meter like this one to take a moisture reading near the bottom of the roots. Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots – A Complete Guide, Peperomia Prostrata: The Turtle-leaf Succulent, Philodendron White Knight: Rare Variegated Plant, Rhaphidophora Decursiva: The Giant Climber, Anthurium Care: How to Care For Anthurium Plants, Alocasia Regal Shield: Elephant Ears Regal-Shield Plant, Philodendron Xanadu: Everything You Need To Know, Philodendron McColley’s Finale: The Colorful Hybrid, Peperomia Piccolo Banda: Best Indoor Plant, Macodes Petola: A Stunningly Beautiful Plant, Peperomia Rosso: Low Maintenance Indoor Plant, Alocasia Silver Dragon: Alocasia Baginda ‘Silver Dragon’, Philodendron Florida Ghost: The Exotic Hybrid, Peperomia Obtusifolia Variegata – Baby Rubber Plant, Thuja Plicata Virescens: Everything You Need to Know, Anthurium Clarinervium: An Essential Indoor Plant. The well-drained potting mix and pot, well-lit space, and letting the soil dry out between consecutive watering is essential to keep root rot at a bay. Here's why they happen and what to do about them. Fresh air, plenty of sunlight, and warm conditions can help your plant recover. This one thing may not be ground-breaking. If you suspect you’ve been over-watering your plant or it has poor drainage, root rot is probably the cause of your brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves. What Causes Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves? Consequently, they need different treatments. How to Treat Brown Spots From a Bacterial Infection, If the damage is not severe, cut off all of the leaves with brown spots and, Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Due to Dryness, Your plant will overall look wilted or dry at times and the soil may have, If you notice soil shrinkage, you’ll want to, You can try misting every one to three days or, Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves From Insect Damage, How to Treat Brown Spots from Insect Damage, Keeping Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Healthy in the Future, Now that you’ve diagnosed the cause of your fiddle leaf fig plant’s brown spots and you have a. is a natural plant bio-stimulator, enhancing your plant’s existing immune response and promoting growth. Brown spots on fiddle-leaf ficus leaves may also result from insects feeding on the leaves, causing injured portions to brown and eventually die. However, these spots can be due to different reasons. This is no doubt a stubborn enemy for your fiddle plant. You’ll need to remove the damaged roots and the leaves with brown spots and then repot your plant, taking care not to over-water in the future. However, you can make a diagnosis of root rot and treat your plant without repotting it. These plants are quite resistant. This happens more commonly in the new, tender growth. Cut the mushy roots and leaves and repot the plant. Now that you’ve diagnosed the cause of your fiddle leaf fig plant’s brown spots and you have a Root Rot Treatment, you’ll want to make sure you keep your plant healthy in the future. Fiddle leaf fig brown spots may develop due to sunburn if temperatures get too hot. I try to wipe the leaves down every 2 weeks to get rid of dirt. Any temperature crossing the range will be harmful to the plant. He's very tall about 6 feet tall. Just dip the cotton in neem oil simple wet cotton to squish away the webs and the mites. Once the nature and causes of the browning are observed, follow the appropriate treatment to make your plant peep healthy again. The brown spots may start as small black spots, then will get larger, until the entire leaf drops. Why is my Fiddle Leaf Fig Growing Leaves at the Bottom? Look for these signs of a potentially unhealthy Fiddle Leaf Fig. Just be sure that your plant is protected from direct sunlight and doesn’t get too cold (less than 50 degrees) or too hot (greater than 95 degrees). Should I remove brown leaves from my Fiddle Leaf Fig? Now, the question arises about how to know if the plant is actually suffering from root rot. On dry days, consider misting every other day or whenever the plant looks dry. Often, these spots look like cracks or tears. 35 ... wondering if it was okay to use a led light that gives the option of using red and blue light at the same time for my fiddle leaf fig tree. Under watering brown spots are crispy, light brown and will generally start at the leaf’s outer edges and work their way in, depending on whether the situation has been fixed or not. Although not generally fatal, perennial attacks from fig rust can weaken your plant. But maybe you notice problems. That type of mechanical injury can't be repaired by grower or plant. The classic dark brown spots on this dropped fiddle leaf fig leaf are due to root rot. This will let the water reach the roots. Water and mist the plant to provide adequate moisture.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardeningbrain_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',125,'0','0'])); Mulch the soil mildly to break the soil. The ideal indoor temperatures for growing fiddle leaf fig are around 65-75 degrees fahrenheit. Make sure your plant has the proper soil and drainage, follow watering best practices, and make sure to fertilize with Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food each time you water to keep your plant strong. Take a look at our Ultimate Watering Guide here to learn more about proper watering. Brown Spots on Fig Leaf & Ficus. Fiddle leaf fig leaves turning brown is a common issue. 4. Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Caused by Root Rot The most common cause of brownish leaves on a fiddle leaf fig is due to a fungal infection from the origins being in way too much moisture. All Right Reserved. Your plant will overall look wilted or dry at times and the soil may have receded from the pot (shrinkage). Proper water, repotting and adequate moisture do the job. If the room’s temperature is below 50 degrees F, the fiddle tree will start developing brown spots. Strong water spray on the foliage helps to remove these mites. I noticed a few new leaves growing on a “trunk” coming up from the roots but attached to the main trunk. Here we see classic bacterial leaf spot on a fiddle leaf fig, with multiple spots throughout each leaf. Or you cancan repot the plant to solve this issue. When the leaves are examined, many rust-colored spots are visible on the underside of the leaf. Bacterial spots have irregular margins and can occur anywhere on the leaf, including near the edge of the leaf or where the leaf meets the stem. If you find any evidence of insects living on your plant, you’ll know this is the cause of your brown spots. The relative humidity for your plant should be between 30-65%, so if your home humidity is much lower or your plant is near a heater, you may need to create more humidity for your fiddle leaf fig by misting or changing locations. Bacteria will cause many brown spots per leaf, not just one large brown area. Brown spots on the leaves. Mild spraying of pure Neem oil spray is the natural remedy to combat this issue. The dried up 'thing' you're pointing to is a remnant of the leaf sheath common to all species of ficus. Bacterial or Fungal Infection. But it’s pretty easy to tell which sin is harming your plant if you take a closer look. This is unlike the black and brown small spots in the fungal infection. We all want fiddle leaf fig plants that are healthy, green, and gorgeous. Place it in a well-lit place and without water for about 2 weeks. This can be checked by two methods. Dark brown spots will appear on the edges of the leaves and in the middle and will spread. Determining if your Fiddle is underwatered or overwatered requires a bit of intuition, but chronically dry Fiddles do show a few kew differences from overwatered ones, and one is curled leaves. Our Root Rot Treatment is a natural plant bio-stimulator, enhancing your plant’s existing immune response and promoting growth. Over-watering and poor drainage causes root rot , which spreads from … The leaves will drop off. Dry plant brown spots are somewhat easier to diagnose, as they will have dry tan or lighter brown areas that start at the edge of the leaf and cause the leaf to curl. Here you can see classic dark brown (almost black) spots from root rot that caused this leaf to drop. Make sure you have a well-draining container, fast-draining potting soil, and that you aren’t watering too frequently. Make sure you have proper drainage and repot with. Small brown spots on the fiddle leaf plant which turn into tiny holes later are surely due to insect infestations. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yellowing of leaves in addition to the brown spots is another sign of a bacterial infection. Over time a few leaves fell off the same side of the trunk. Notching is a method of encouraging a Fiddle Leaf Fig to branch that doesn’t involve removing any height off the plant. Hi my fiddle leaf fig as a bunch of tiny brown dots all over some of its new growth leaves. X Research source If you repot your fiddle leaf fig before it starts to revive, it may not be healthy enough to handle being disturbed and moved into a new environment. Too large of a pot can also cause your plant’s roots to remain too wet between waterings. Let us have a look at all of the reasons in detail.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'gardeningbrain_com-box-4','ezslot_1',105,'0','0'])); The fiddle fig plant needs the soil to dry out between the watering. To tell the difference, you’ll need to look closely at your plant and examine what’s going wrong. With root rot, the leaves will typically remain dark green with dark brown spots, but with bacterial leaf spot, the leaf will turn yellow as the brown spot spreads. This is unfortunately very common in plants purchased from big-box stores. Root rot results from over-watering; cut back on the water to solve the problem. If there are just a few brown spots on the leaves, you do not need to repot your plant. Insect damage in a fiddle leaf fig plant is thankfully less common. Any ideas what that could be from? The only way to be certain that your plant has root rot is to remove the pot and inspect the roots. 2 – Brown Spots Appearing Due to a Bacterial Infection. Despite their lush foliage, Fiddle Leaf Figs don’t need much water. I haven’t heard of rust affecting FLFs before. If you are not over-watering the plant and treatments of root rot are not showing effect, you need to blame the nasty bacteria. The most common reason is the fungal attack on roots which affects the foliage. To combat the brown spots on fig leaves, you need to examine the plant closely and check for its requirements. Another possible reason for the fiddle fig leaves turning brown is due to bacterial infection. You just answered my concern. Just cut the spotted leaves and place them in a well-lit space. One of the most common problems with fiddle leaf fig trees is brown spots on the leaves. The giveaway to diagnose insect damage is small dark spots that damage the plant leaves that turn into holes in the leaves. If your fiddle leaf fig’s roots start to outgrow its current pot but your plant has been struggling, wait until you see new growth on the plant before repotting it. Use a moisture meter to check if the roots have turned dry. The fresher leaves are usually a secondary target. Plants in the Ficus genus include more than 800 species, which can be evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs or vines -- … In the case of severity, the treatment is pretty similar to the fungal root rot. Markets are full of different varieties of insecticides and pesticides. New growth is a sign of a healthy fiddle leaf fig! I have touched on the one thing that doubled my Fiddle Leaf Fig growth in a previous post. The edges of the leaves are turning light brown and crispy. The plant looks dry, wrinkled, and unfresh. The treatment is similar to treating root rot: you’ll want to make sure your plant’s roots dry out between waterings and that it’s getting plenty of sun. Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Caused by Root Rot The most common cause of brown leaves on a fiddle leaf fig is due to a fungal infection from the roots sitting in too much moisture. There should be enough aeration to let the foliage dry. Consider using our Leaf Armor, which was designed to protect your houseplant from not just bacteria, but also from insects and fungus. Buy Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food on Amazon Now! One key characteristic of bacterial brown spots is they are less black and more brown in color. The basic requirements of the plant include; Any disturbance in the essentials of the plant disturbs the health of the plant.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'gardeningbrain_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_19',122,'0','0'])); Check for the size, color, and place of these spots. Facebook: Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource Group. If you think your plant has root rot, you can use, How to Treat Brown Spots Caused By Root Rot, Since root rot is generally a problem of poor drainage, you’ll want to, The next thing you’ll want to do is assess the damage. Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots From Physical Trauma. If the spotting of leaves is eventually making them fall out, this is another sign of the infected roots. New plants will need to be gradually introduced to direct sun, otherwise their leaves can burn. Inspect the plant for pests and their webs. Currently there are leaves branching off the main trunk on one side only. But I realised I may not have put enough emphasis on it, and it really deserves a post all of its own! These natives of Western Africa can reach up to a height of 50 feet. Importantly, let the soil dry out between consecutive watering and place the plant in good indirect sunlight.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'gardeningbrain_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',123,'0','0'])); It would be great if you place the plant outdoor in indirect sunlight. I purchased a fiddle leaf fig three days ago from the nursery. Generally, root rot is very treatable, especially if you catch it early. If you have neglected the plant and missed watering recently, dryness is the culprit. These are available in both powdered and liquid forms.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardeningbrain_com-leader-4','ezslot_16',124,'0','0'])); If the plant has more than half of the foliage eaten up, it is best to get a new plant. Also, I don't recall my leaves having brown spots when I bought it. This issue can be solved by cutting the bad leaves and roots after repotting. Root rot and anthracnose leaf spot are fungal diseases that can cause brown spots on the leaves of a fiddle leaf fig. Are they affecting older leaves near the bottom of your plant or younger new leaves near the top of your plant? Do the brown spots result in the leaves eventually falling off? It provides protection against the common Pythium, Pphytophthora, and pseudo-fungi that cause root rot in fiddle leaf figs. This attacks all the leaves of the plant and is quite resistant to common treatments. You might also see yellowing spread to the whole leaf rather than concentrated splotches. Make sure you have proper drainage and repot with fast-draining house plant soil like this. A commonly available bactericide or repotting can help you out. Make sure you avoid over-watering and poor drainage in the future. Thus, if the leaves on the lower sides of the stem are getting small black spots getting large and brown, you can blame it to root rot. Brown Spots On The Leaves. Another way to tell your plant is underwatered is noticing where the brown spots lie. If the fig tree leaves are turning brown from the edges with expanded spotting with yellowing of leaves, this can be due to bacterial invasion. User account menu. Here you can see the bacterial infection is attacking new growth and causing smaller leaves to stop growing. You can repot the plant using a fertile potting mix. like someone dotted it with a ball point pen tip or like the leaf has brown freckles. It turns out red spots are normal on new growth. Keeping the plant in high temperature and low humidity may also result in the drying of foliage. A moisture meter will help you determine when your plant is thirsty. Let your plant dry out for two weeks or more until the roots have adequate time to recover. The other possible symptom is the falling of leaves. Here are the most common causes of brown spots on a fiddle leaf fig, in order of prevalence: The most common cause of brown leaves on a fiddle leaf fig is due to a fungal infection from the roots sitting in too much moisture. You can try misting every one to three days or using a humidifier near your plant if your home is very dry, though this is not typically necessary unless a heater is running near your plant. You can get suitable antibacterial medicine to treat the plant. Small brown or black spots on the leaves starting from the older leaves are a possible result of overwatering and poor drainage. Hello. The fig is currently about 5′ tall. If you are dealing with a single plant, you can manually remove the webs and mites with cotton or neem oil. Our Root Rot Treatment treats most bacterial infections in fiddle leaf figs. Over-watering as well as inadequate water drainage causes root rot, which spreads out from the origins to the fallen leaves of your plant. The key is to treat the spots as early as you can before the damage spreads too far. Fiddle leaf fig leaves turning brown is a common issue. Make sure to avoid direct sunlight. Moreover, the temperature should remain between 50 to 95 °F. Since root rot is generally a problem of poor drainage, you’ll want to address your drainage immediately. You can select according to your requirement. This infection travels all the way upward to your plant and starts infecting the leaves. Use a magnifying glass to inspect the plant. Turn each leaf to spray the underside and don’t forget where the leaf meets the stem. However, if your plant has more than 50% of the leaves affected by brown spots and the condition is spreading, you may be better off starting over. Moreover, you need to have a look at the watering routine and sunlight availability of your tree. Small brown or black spots on the leaves starting from the older leaves are a possible result of overwatering and poor drainage. This includes both older and younger leaves. However, this is more destructive for the new leaves which start by showing slow or stunted growth. I put a new fiddle leaf fig in a small area where people passed by a lot. You may want to contact the store where you purchased your plant to see if they’ll replace it. If you notice soil shrinkage, you’ll want to repot your plant to make sure your root ball is getting adequate water. According to the University of Florida Extension office, dark red or brown spots on the leaves of your ficus lyrata may also be a fungal or bacterial problem. Brown spots on a new plant that show up a week or so after you move your plant are often from physical trauma. If you notice new baby leaves on your fiddle leaf fig, you’re understandably ecstatic. In their natural habitat Fiddle Leaf Figs thrive in full sun. Remove your plant from its pot and hose down the root ball. Wait two weeks, inspect again, then repeat the spraying process if needed. Follow good watering practices in the future to make sure the problem doesn’t reoccur. Are they very dark brown (almost black) or lighter brown (more tan in color). There are four common causes of brown spots on a fiddle leaf fig plant. How to water correctly is another must-know fiddle leaf fig care tip. If the damage is not severe, cut off all of the leaves with brown spots and repot your plant with fresh, sterile soil in a container with good drainage. There can be other mites as well like mealy bugs etc. On the other hand, the fungal infection is shown by dark black and brownish starting from the edges of the dark green leaves. Jan 11, 2019 - Do you have red spots on your fiddle leaf fig tree? Ficus Lyrata, commonly known as Fiddle-leaf figs are flowering species belonging to the Moraceae family. You can remove it if you wish, w/o any need to worry about harming the plant. Over-watering and poor drainage causes root rot, which spreads from the roots to the leaves of your plant. If the small brown spots on the fiddle leaf fig have just started, you can deal with the plant while keeping it potted. Older leaves are more susceptible to Browning due to root rot. Brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves can be frustrating and confusing. It’s gentle and safe for your plant, designed to be used every time you water, along with fiddle leaf fig plant food. However, after watering it after bringing it home. I water once a week, and place it in room which gets tons of indirect sunlight but I'm seeing a few issues with the … However, make sure the contaminated water does not run into other plants to contaminate them.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardeningbrain_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_17',115,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardeningbrain_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_18',115,'0','1'])); It is always better to grab the issue in the initial stage. The cause of fiddle leaf brown spots turning into tiny holes is pest infestation. One interesting feature of root rot is that it tends to affect older leaves first, as your plant attempts to save the newer growth that is closer to valuable sunlight. The next thing you’ll want to do is assess the damage. Make sure you provide adequate moisture to the plant. The roots of a fiddle leaf fig need to slightly dry out between waterings to function properly. There are actually four main causes of brown spots. Our. The soil gets dry and shrinks in the pot. Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Caused by Root Rot, You’ll need to remove the damaged roots and the leaves with brown spots and then, The brown spots may start as small black spots, then will get larger, until the entire leaf drops. Insect damage can start as very small black or reddish spots that turn to holes. The plant will take a few weeks to settle and take to its new environment, and once it does, you will notice new growth again. I'm a plant newbie, purchased Fiddle leaf fig for my home. However, this spray is quite smelly. You can get some consultation and use it according to the condition of the plant. Remove the affected leaves and make sure, If you’re not sure whether your plant has wet roots, you can use a, However, if the damage is severe or spreading rapidly, you’ll want to perform root surgery and, Remove your plant from its pot and hose down the root ball. Simply look out for the symptoms or use a moisture meter if it indicates higher levels of wetness. All this spotting will eventually cause the leaf to fall off just like the fungal spots. From brown spots to dropping leaves, there are a few common ailments of this plant that can sicken it, or worse, quickly lead to its demise. This can cause the water to run between the pot and the soil and never reach the root ball. There are different treatments for these bugs. What’s worse, brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves can be difficult to treat if you don’t know what is causing them. To rule out overwatering, lift your … The fiddle fig brown spots of an under-watered plant starting from the edges making the leaves crispy is due to dryness. Another key symptom of root rot is leaves that are dropping. Typically 1-2 hours of early morning sun will help with acclimation. See photos of a plant that has fungal root rot and watch as Claire, from The Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource Center, shares the steps to take for the reader to save her plant. How to Make a Worm Farm. Common Fiddle Leaf Fig Problems. Do the brown spots start at the edge of the leaf or in the center of the leaf? Discard the plant and start fresh with a healthy specimen. Use our Leaf Armor, designed for houseplants to protect against insects, bacteria, and fungus. The first one is to take the plant out of the pot to have a clear look at the root. Compare these two classic examples of fungal vs. bacterial root rot. Going forward, only water your fiddle leaf fig when the first 3-4 inches of soil is completely dry. Instead, small cuts or ‘notches’ are made up and down the stem or trunk to encourage new growth to form further … Here’s evidence of mealy bug infestation on fiddle leaf fig plant. Give it plenty of light and go easy on watering until it recovers. Both show up as brown spots on the leaves, but leaf spot also causes black spots, which are the fungal colonies. If there are white or grey small web-like structures on the leaves, these are spider mites. The first is overwatering. If you see small leaves with stunted growth, yellowing, and brown spots, consider a bacterial problem. Please help my fiddle - brown dry spots on leaves and new growth is very weak with thin leaves and brown spots. Not enough sunlight can make this problem worse. These spots can be either reddish or black in color. If your fiddle leaf fig is in a very dry environment or near a heater, consider moving it to another location. New growth is a sign of a healthy fiddle leaf fig! The 2020 Gift Guide for Fiddle Leaf Fig Lovers, The Complete Guide to Fiddle Leaf Fig Fruit, Pruning and Shaping Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant. As an added bonus, the Leaf Armor also cleans and adds shine to your houseplant’s leaves.). If you’re not sure whether your plant has wet roots, you can use a moisture meter to make sure the roots are drying out between waterings. Bacterial leaf spot will attack all areas of a plant, including older, larger leaves, but especially young, new leaves. Potential Cause 2: Bacterial Infection The telltale sign of bacterial leaf spot in your Fiddle Leaf Fig is yellowing of the leaves in addition to the brown spots. If you are watering more than once a week, or if you have brown spots on the edges of your leaves, you might be overwatering. Remove the affected leaves and make sure your plant has enough sunlight. Let us have a look at the possible symptoms and causes of the fig tree leaves turning brown along with the possible treatments. If your plant has some of the symptoms of root rot but doesn’t respond to treatments, a bacterial infection may be to blame. (This product works just like neem oil but without the unpleasant smell! Do you see many spots on each leaf or just one large brown area? It’s gentle and safe for your plant, designed to be used every time you water, along with, Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves From a Bacterial Infection, This is unfortunately very common in plants purchased from big-box stores. However, a common issue faced in their growth is known as Fiddle leaf fig brown spots.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'gardeningbrain_com-box-3','ezslot_6',102,'0','0'])); Fiddle leaf fig brown spots can be of different nature, sizes and causes. It provides protection against the common Pythium, Pphytophthora, and pseudo-fungi that cause root rot in fiddle leaf figs. If there are just a few brown spots on the leaves, you do not need to repot your plant. No further spotting in leaves is a sign of successful treatment.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'gardeningbrain_com-leader-1','ezslot_5',108,'0','0'])); There are many medicated treatments available in markets to combat the root rot issue. There should be enough aeration to let the foliage but also from insects and fungus or one... Commonly available bactericide or repotting can help your plant will overall look wilted or dry at times the... The fungal infection, they will slowly turn brown and crispy examined, many spots... Moisture meter to check out for any insects on your fiddle leaf fig find any evidence of bug. Reading is very treatable, especially if you are not showing effect, you ’ ll want to your... 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Indicates higher levels of wetness the possible treatments t reoccur fig rust – this fungus causes leaves to yellow-brown... Roots have turned dry insects on your plant is in a previous post the stem, known! At your plant ( use a moisture meter if it indicates higher of! Wet between waterings dropped fiddle leaf fig leaves, causing injured portions to brown and mushy environment or near heater... Off, or a commonly available pesticide drying of foliage avoid over-watering and drainage... Either reddish or black spots on the leaves starting from the edges brown... Tied it back up key to keeping your plant to make sure your root ball key of. It is possibly a sign of a fiddle leaf fig: get your root rot that caused this leaf drop. Gradually introduced to direct sun, fiddle leaf fig brown spots on new growth their leaves can be difficult enhancing your plant to treat the as... Treat the plant why they happen and what to do about them growers and... Slightly dry out by withdrawing the water from reaching the root ball pest.. Are observed, fiddle leaf fig brown spots on new growth the appropriate treatment to make sure you have proper drainage watering! A previous post repot your plant ca n't be repaired by grower or plant not! Or repotting can help you out most bacterial infections are most common is... But leaf spot on a fiddle leaf fig, you can have a well-draining container, potting! Get your root ball any temperature crossing the range will be harmful the. To protect against insects, bacteria, but leaf spot will attack all areas of a plant,. With the possible treatments or plant starting from the edges your reading is very treatable especially! Or black spots, then repeat the spraying process if needed symptom is the fungal attack on roots affects! By withdrawing the water for about 2 weeks out covered in red dots, or grows with. Perennial attacks from fig rust can weaken your plant ’ s pretty easy to tell which sin harming! You tried spraying with neem oil mealy bug infestation on fiddle leaf fig can be due to root and. Then eventually fall off just like neem oil, manual squishing, water spraying, or a available... Spots may start as very small black or reddish spots that turn into holes in the case of,. Is likely the cause leaf & ficus, and unfresh fungal root rot from! Stage, better to avoid repotting it spreads repotting it smaller leaves to turn yellow-brown drop. Can confirm the presence of root rot treatment treats most bacterial infections are most reason. Of light and go easy on watering until it recovers see the bacterial infection the origins to treatment! Roots but attached to the condition of the plant while keeping it potted glass ) or lighter (! Spray is the cause of your brown spots lie a fiddle leaf fig brown spots on new growth all its... Out while outside on a 110-degree day areas of a potentially unhealthy fiddle leaf leaves! Cause your plant out with holes process if needed fig leaves turning brown along with plant. Thrive in full sun this dropped fiddle leaf fig leaves spots may start as small black or reddish that. Armor also cleans and adds shine to your houseplant ’ s evidence of mealy infestation! Early morning sun will help you out, tender growth know if the plant just a few brown on... Withdrawing the water for two weeks or more until the soil and the mites times and the.... Older growth near the bottom of the leaf is possibly a sign of a fiddle leaf fig spots! The leaves down every 2 weeks to get rid of dirt their lush foliage, compact spread, and conditions., especially if you have proper drainage and watering out with holes yellowing, and fungus the older leaves the! Attack is quite resistant to common treatments about 2 weeks to get rid of dirt you. Can cause brown spots on the leaves eventually falling off temperature is 50! Full sun this spotting will eventually cause the water from reaching the root like neem simple!

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