what is the significance of mangrove planting and rehabilitation?

Copyright © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Agreement between the two reviewers will be measured by kappa analysis, where a value of 0.6 or greater indicates good agreement [54]. Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, Silwood Park Campus, Buckhurst Road, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7PY, UK, Dominic A Andradi-Brown & Andrew T Knight, Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research, Department of Genetics, Evolution and Environment, University College London, London, WC1E 6BT, UK, Department of Botany, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, P.O. Comment is made on the paucity of information. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0025-326X(99)00106-X. Philippine mangroves chart (2.17 MB) We aim to search the following databases: ISI Web of Knowledge platform - http://isiknowledge.com, ○ Current Contents Connect (1998- present), Science Direct - http://www.sciencedirect.com (all years), Index to Theses Online - http://www.theses.com (all years), AGRICOLA - http://agricola.nal.usda.gov (all years), Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts - http://search.proquest.com/asfa (all years), Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management - http://search.proquest.com/espm (all years). Duke NC, Meynecke JO, Dittmann S, Ellison AM, Anger K, Berger U, Cannicci S, Diele K, Ewel KC, Field CD, Koedam N, Lee SY, Marchand C, Nordhaus I, Dahdouh-Guebas F: A world without mangroves? Relevant studies and references contained within will be identified. 10.1016/j.foreco.2008.01.031, Bonine KM, Bjorkstedt EP, Ewel KC, Palik M: Population characteristics of the mangrove crab Scylla serrata (Decapoda: Portunidae) in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia: effects of harvest and implications for management. 10.2984/1534-6188(2008)62[1:PCOTMC]2.0.CO;2, Rönnbäck P: The ecological basis for economic value of seafood production supported by mangrove ecosystems. Mar Pollut Bull 1999, 37: 383–392. If Kappa is less than 0.6 the critical appraisal methodology will be clarified though consensus. Aquac Research 1997, 28: 815–827. Terms and Conditions, Restor Ecology 2000, 8: 219–229. There is currently mixed evidence for the effectiveness of mangrove restoration and rehabilitation projects, in part due to a lack of objective goal-setting and a lack of will to fund full ecological restoration favouring other goals [41, 47]. Taxa of commercial value to local communities will be assessed to identify whether rehabilitation for optimal ecosystem service provision is likely to conflict with the full restoration of mangrove forests. Hydrobiologia 1992, 247: 37–47. 2 [56], where LnR Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Cookies policy. (8) They are also very effective at diminishing storm waves. Wetlands Ecol Manage 2001, 9: 267–279. 10.1890/1540-9295(2003)001[0488:RDECAR]2.0.CO;2, Hooper DU, Chapin FS III, Ewel JJ, Hector A, Inchausti P, Lavorel S, Lawton JH, Lodge DM, Loreau M, Naeem S, Schmid B, Setälä H, Symstad AJ, Vandermeer J, Wardle DA: Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning: a consensus of current knowledge. 10.1890/110004, Pendleton L, Donato DC, Murray BC, Crooks S, Jenkins WA, Sifleet S, Craft C, Fourqurean JW, Kauffman JB, Marbà N, Megonigal P, Pidgeon E, Herr D, Gordon D, Baldera A: Estimating global “blue carbon” emissions from conversion and degradation of vegetated coastal ecosystems. Coastal land is often of high value creating large pressures for conversion for aquaculture and agriculture or infrastructure and development projects for facilities such as harbours and industries such as tourism [8, 9]. 10.1007/s11273-006-9005-7, Benayas JMR, Newton AC, Diaz A, Bullock JM: Enhancement of biodiversity and ecosystem services by ecological restoration: a meta-analysis. Biodivers Conserv 2004, 13: 1059–1074. Correspondence to 10.1651/07-2835R.1, Duke NC: Gap creation and regenerative processes driving diversity and structure of mangrove ecosystems. Relevant comparator: Indication that study attempts to evaluate the quality/success of the mangrove restoration. Does the success of mangrove restoration and rehabilitation for biodiversity and ecosystem services vary in relation to taxa or service types? After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the importance of mangroves became widely recognized. Edited by: Perillo GME, Wolanski E, Cahoon DR, Brinson MM. This chapter provides an overview of mangrove management, assessment, and monitoring. Sub-group analysis will also be run to investigate the effects of different taxonomic groups and ecosystem service types to address the proposed secondary questions. They maintain water quality and clarity, filtering pollutants and trapping sediments originating from land. & Tucson: Society for Ecological Restoration International http://www.ser.org, Ellison AM: Mangrove restoration: do we know enough? 10.1080/00207239308710819. Environ Conserv 2007, 34: 313–324. Mangroves literally live in two worlds at once, making up a transitional zone between land … Environ Evid 2, 20 (2013). A high concentration of nutrients and plankton flows in and out of the lagoons with the tides, making mangrove forests important breeding and nursery grounds for juvenile sharks, green turtles, penguins, flamingos, turtles, rays, seabirds, fishes and invertebrates. Data will be extracted into a spreadsheet, recording outcomes, methodology, number of replicates and age of resorted mangrove forest along with all the above mentioned effect modifiers. Mangroves are essential to maintaining water quality. DAB, CH, GM and AK developed the review question. MANGROVE REHABILITATION GUIDELINES A242767 Page 1 of 20 ... and whether additional planting is warranted. 10.2307/1937691, Bacon PR: Use of wetlands for tourism in the insular Caribbean. Environ Conserv 1974, 1: 285–294. The proportion of studies in the test library identified by each search string was recorded as the search terms were refined (Additional file 2). Subgroups for ecosystem services will be grouped following the broad categories of ecosystem service: provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural based on the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment definitions [23]. To conserve the mangrove ecosystems, which are essential for the sustainable maintenance of coastal fisheries, maintenance and restoration of the microbial communities should be undertaken. Ecol Eng 2005, 24: 403–418. The focus on abundance becomes clear when considering some metrics used to assess the amount of an ecosystem service (see Table 1). Oecologia 2002, 130: 441–448. This can be broken into components as shown in Table 2. The definition of biodiversity emphasises variability, yet many ecosystem services depend on abundance and traits of several dominant species rather than overall biodiversity [17, 38]. Mangroves are able to reduce non-storm waves by 70% of their near shore height! Bioscience 2001, 51: 807. Two researchers will assess a random 100 citations, applying the inclusion criteria at title and abstract level. 10.1007/s11160-004-3769-8. Mangrove forests are located in the tropical and subtropical areas at the boundary between the aquatic (normally marine or brackish) and the terrestrial environment [1]. Following completion of the Project phase and given the importance of mangroves to Guyana’s coastal defences, mangrove restoration and management was integrated into NAREI in 2014. 10.1371/journal.pone.0043542, Kairo JG, Lang’at JKS, Dahdouh-Guebas F, Bosire J, Karachi M: Structural development and productivity of replanted mangrove plantations in Kenya. The partner organisation website will then be searched for relevant studies or references. Environ Manage 2005, 36: 535–550. Aquat Bot 2008, 89: 251–259. Study inclusion criteria for title and abstract screening: Relevant intervention: Site where mangrove forests have been established either through direct plantations or protection to allow natural regeneration. Environ Conserv 2011, 38: 485–496. 10.1023/A:1011121109886, Millennium ecosystem assessment. Ecosystems and human well-being: biodiversity synthesis. Mcleod E, Chmura GL, Bouillon S, Salm R, Björk M, Duarte CM, Lovelock CE, Schlesinger WH, Silliman BR: A blueprint for blue carbon: toward an improved understanding of the role of vegetated coastal habitats in sequestering CO 2. Field guide to Philippine mangroves (3.43 MB) 4. For abundance and biomass data we plan to use the natural logarithm transformed response ratio (lnR) as an effect size, the natural logarithm of the ratio of mean abundance or biomass from the restoration or rehabilitation and the reference site [55]: Where Three reasons for mangrove rehabilitation: conservation and landscaping; multiple use systems for high sustainable yield and protection of coastal areas, are then examined in detail. Washington, DC: U.S: Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Government Printing Office; 1987. Restoration is returning a habitat to the most natural condition, whereas rehabilitation often focuses on optimising ecosystem services alongside biodiversity. Mangrove communities are recognized as highly productive ecosystems that provide large quantities of organic matter to adjacent coastal waters in the form. The concept and goals of mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation are considered and contrasted with ideas of ecosystem restoration. J Appl Ecol 2008, 45: 854–862. If there is uncertainty in relevance of an article it will be put through to the next stage. PubMed Google Scholar. The word is used in at least three senses: most broadly to refer to the habitat and entire plant assemblage or mangal, for which the terms mangrove forest biome, and mangrove … Nat Geosci 2011, 4: 293–297. 10.1890/04-0922, Lewis RR III: Ecologically based goal setting in mangrove forest and tidal marsh restoration. Alternatively the reference could be the restored or rehabilitated mangrove surveyed prior to first impact. Overall weighted summary effect sizes will be calculated with 95% confidence intervals. Citations will be stored in EndNote (version X5, http://www.endnote.com) and EPPI-Reviewer (version 4, http://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/cms/er4) at each stage. Demopoulos AWJ, Cormier N, Ewel KC, Fry B: Use of multiple chemical tracers to define habitat use of Indo-Pacific mangrove crab, Scylla serrata (Decapoda: Portunidae). Studies of crabs in isolation suggest different crab species feed preferentially on the same species of leaves [21], suggesting that while many rehabilitated forests may not have maximal tree species richness, they may still support many other dependent ecological communities. Some comments and data are then offered on mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation that is being carried out world-wide. Deb AK: Fake blue revolution: environmental and socio-economic impacts of shrimp culture in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Ecol Monogr 2005, 75: 3–35. i *Incorporate mangrove protection in CLUPs, including law enforcement and ecopark development. The template also provides space for any other relevant factors identified while reading an article at full text to be included. Manual on Mangrove Reversion of Abandoned and Illegal Brackishwater Fishponds (2.92 MB) 2. http://www.birdlife.org/mangrove-alliance, http://www.unep.org/maweb/documents/document.354.aspx.pdf, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0. Do mangrove forest restoration and rehabilitation activities return biodiversity to pre-impact levels? This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. Mangrove forests have been rehabilitated to achieve a variety of goals, for instance to meet commercial purposes (silvaculture) (Watson 1928) for restoring fisheries habitat (Lewis 1992, Aksornkoea 1996), for sustainable multiple community use purposes, or for shoreline protection … CAS  If this is the case, the outcomes for these taxonomic groups or ecosystem service types will be summarised in tables. Society for Ecological Restoration International Science Policy Working Group: Society for ecological restoration international science & policy working group. Mangrove swamps consist of a variety of salt-tolerant trees and shrubs that thrive in shallow and muddy saltwater. By using this website, you agree to our Studies must report mean, variance measure (variance, SD, SE, stated confidence intervals) and the sample size for both the intervention and the comparator. and Searches will not intentionally be restricted by year, however database access will be limited to certain years by institutional subscriptions (see below for details). With many different restoration and rehabilitation objectives and techniques existing, it is difficult to assess the general effectiveness of restoration and rehabilitation on biodiversity and ecosystem services. 10.1126/science.1172460, Ashton EC, Hogarth PJ, Macintosh DJ: A comparison of brachyuran crab community structure at four mangrove locations under different management systems along the Melaka Straits-Andaman Sea Coast of Malaysia and Thailand. The purpose of forest rehabilitation is to restore the capacity of degraded forest land to deliver forest products and services. 10.1890/0012-9658(1999)080[1150:TMAORR]2.0.CO;2. The concept and goals of mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation are considered and contrasted with ideas of ecosystem restoration. Another majorly important function of mangroves near reefs is shoreline protection. The search string was developed using ISI Web of Knowledge and trialled against a test library. California Privacy Statement, Ann Tour Res 1987, 14: 104–117. ATK acknowledges the support of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Environmental Decisions at The University of Queensland, Australia. Mangrove forest restoration and rehabilitation programs are increasingly undertaken to re-establish ecosystem services in the context of community-based biodiversity conservation. From trial searches and data extraction we are confident effect sizes can be calculated and a meta-analysis conducted. 10.1007/BF00008203, Twilley RW, Lugo AE, Patterson-Zucca C: Litter Production and Turnover in Basin Mangrove Forests in Southwest Florida. 2nd edition. Alongi DM: Present state and future of the world’s mangrove forests. The template spreadsheet for data extraction (Additional file 3) was developed during trial data extraction of studies identified during search term testing and provides a clear framework for extraction ensuring repeatability and efficiency. For this reason Mangrove management, conservation and rehabilitation is of growing importance. Scylla serrata), so the biomass of these few species give a better indication of food provision than the overall crab species richness within the forest. If any studies are found to be missing key relevant data an attempt to contact the authors will be made. Recent recognition of the importance of mangrove forests has led to widespread efforts to restore or rehabilitate deforested mangrove areas, with many of these projects hoping to combine re-establishing ecosystem services for local communities benefits with biodiversity conservation [7]. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 1997, 218: 13–33. The websites of the following organisations working on mangrove related projects will be searched. Mixed effects models will be used to test the importance of effect modifiers. Mangroves were found to be more effective than the coral reefs at decreasing wave energy. Seidenstlcker J, Hai A: The sundarbans wildlife management plan: conservation in the Bangladesh coastal zone. 10.1016/S0964-5691(98)00074-X, Islam MS, Haque M: The mangrove-based coastal and nearshore fisheries of Bangladesh: ecology, exploitation and management. They are adapted to the low oxygen conditions of waterlogged mud. Ecology 1986, 67: 670. 15. All relevant database records will be downloaded with abstracts (where possible) and stored in an EndNote library. Effect modifies to be considered include the following: age of restored/rehabilitated mangrove forest, original diversity, composition and identity of mangrove plantation tree species, density of planting, planting layout, forest area, protection or impact level (both restored/rehabilitated and reference), harvesting of biodiversity components, forest elevation above sea level and salinity along with other measurements of abiotic components/conditions within the mangrove forest. Vo QT, Kuenzer C, Vo QM, Moder F, Oppelt N: Review of valuation methods for mangrove ecosystem services. Relevant outcome: Indication that a component of species biodiversity, abundance, or directly biodiversity related ecosystem service measure is assessed/measured. PLoS ONE 2012, 7: e43542. Bosire JO, Dahdouh-Guebas F, Kairo JG, Cannicci S, Koedam N: Spatial variations in macrobenthic fauna recolonisation in a tropical mangrove bay. This will be determined by the resolution of the taxonomic data provided within studies and will be the lowest taxonomic level at which there is a sufficient sample size for meta-analysis to be conducted. *Conduct ground assessments for mangrove areas not yet surveyed. 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2004.10.003. The first 50 Word and PDF document hits will be examined and references contained within articles viewed at full text will be searched. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Results support the contention that reducing the inundation time of mangrove seedlings by the flood tide, either by raising their height above ground, planting them on higher ground, Google Scholar, Bosire JO, Dahdouh-Guebas F, Walton M, Crona BI, Lewis RR, Field C, Kairo JG, Koedam N: Functionality of restored mangroves: a review. 10.1890/10-1510.1, Article  Environ Conserv 2002, 29: 331–349. Background. Non-English language articles without an English title and abstract will be excluded from the review. Article  REST They contain a complex salt filtration system and complex root system to cope with salt water immersion and wave action. Many mangrove restoration and rehabilitation projects are conducted through integrated conservation and development projects [45] or community based natural resource management programs [46], engaging local communities and focusing on ecosystem services provided by mangroves in part to try to establish protection of biodiversity through sustainable use. 10.1038/nature11148, Elmqvist T, Folke C, Nystrom M, Peterson G, Bengtsson J, Walker B, Norberg J: Response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience. Ecol Monogr 2011, 81: 169–193. Ensuring the correct hydrological regime by changing river and coastal water management regimes if required maybe essential for effectiveness, and often is enough for natural regeneration to occur [44]. Mumby PJ, Hastings A: The impact of ecosystem connectivity on coral reef resilience. The goal of restoration is to make structural or functional changes to an ecosystem to return it to original condition (biotic community structure and species composition), while rehabilitation emphasises modifying ecosystem structural or functional characteristics to achieve a desired outcome. 10.1016/S0925-8574(00)00070-7. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The concept and goals of mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation are considered and contrasted with ideas of ecosystem restoration. Despite this, mangroves dominated by different tree species can have similar and rich invertebrate communities, believed to be more influenced by salinity, tidal inundation and sediment composition than tree species diversity [20]. mangroves. Mangroves also help prevent erosion by stabilizing sediments with their tangled root systems. Cite this article. Mangrove forests are biodiverse and provide a range of benefits (ecosystem services) mostly to local communities living in close proximity to the forests [2, 3], as well as being closely coupled with other tropical marine environments such as coral reefs [4, 5]. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. In South-East Asia, mangrove clearance for shrimp aquaculture has become a major threat, increasing 20-30% annually throughout the early 1990s, and is responsible for half of all mangrove clearance in the Philippines between 1951 and 1988 [10]. Mangrove leaf litter has an important role alongside imported phytodetritus from surrounding areas in decomposition and nutrient cycling between the mangrove biotic and abiotic components as well as linking mangrove vegetation to fauna [52]. Additional possible effect modifiers reported in the studies will be recorded with and a decision on whether to include these made once it become clear how many studies provide that information. Subgroups for taxa will be defined at family, genus and species level as well as by trophic group. In marine ecosystem restoration water quality and interconnected habitats are often critical to success. J Environ Manage 2012, 107: 84–95. Increase mangrove forest cover by plantation, conservation, rehabilitation and regeneration of degraded mangrove forest in the Port Qasim Area on land owned by SSGC; Improve livelihoods for local communities by restoring degraded areas, which will further expand ecosystem benefits to the communities in terms of fish catch. Wetlands Ecol Manage 2006, 14: 527–538. As primary producers like land plants or sea-dwelling phytoplankton, mangroves are photosynthetic organisms that can convert sunlight into energy. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester, UK; 2009. Of significance was my appointment as the President of ISME during the Eighth GA in 2011. Mangroves provide many ecosystem services, which can broadly be grouped following the four categories proposed by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment [23] including provisioning (timber, fisheries), regulating (coastal protection, carbon storage), supporting (sediment stabilisation, primary production, nutrient cycling) and cultural (religious values, tourism and recreation) services (Table 1) [2, 24]. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2009, 106: 7357–7360. X This systematic review protocol presents a methodology that will be used to assess the impacts of mangrove forest restoration and rehabilitation on biodiversity and provisioning ecosystem services in a global context. Ecol Econ 1999, 29: 235–252. ZSL Community-based Mangrove Rehabilitation Manual (10.27 MB) 3. This review will assess studies that have undertaken biodiversity surveys of restored and rehabilitated mangrove forests by comparing them against suitable mature reference mangrove forests within the same region, or surveys prior to degradation of the forest. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. A subset of 20% of studies included in the review will have quality assessment undertaken by two reviewers, and Kappa will be calculated. The impacts on biodiversity can be severe: for example, prolonged human extractive use combined with land conversion of mangroves in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh mangrove ecosystem has led to local terrestrial species extinctions [13] and fisheries decline [14, 15]. The practical problems of site selection for mangrove planting and techniques for regenerating mangroves are then considered. In Coastal Wetlands: An integrated ecosystem approach. Ecol Indic 2012, 23: 431–446. Despite the proliferation of projects aiming to restore and rehabilitate mangroves there is currently very little evaluation of their effectiveness. Large ponds that can be filled from and drained into the sea are created in areas cleared of mangroves, fragmenting the remaining mangrove forests, leading to the loss of many traditional livelihoods [11]. Additionally, if sufficient data allows, provisioning services will be subdivided into food, water, timber etc. Mangrove forests tend to have low tree species richness compared to other tropical forests, with around 70 tree taxa found in mangroves of which a small subset have the potential to become dominant [19]. COVER STORY. 10.1007/BF02803654, Bouillon S, Koedam N, Raman A, Dehairs F: Primary producers sustaining macro-invertebrate communities in intertidal mangrove forests. One reviewer will then complete critical appraisal for all articles. Three reasons for mangrove rehabilitation: conservation and landscaping; multiple use systems for high sustainable yield and protection of coastal areas, are then examined in detail. The only exception was building materials, as replanted mangrove plantations were considered to contain more suitable timber for cutting wooden poles of high quality. Biodiversity can therefore be considered at different levels, from genes through to whole ecosystems [16, 17], though in the context of mangrove restoration and rehabilitation programs it is normally assessed using species richness and forest structural assessments [18]. Restoration is defined by the Society for Ecological Restoration [43] as 'the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed’, whereas rehabilitation focuses on 'reparation of ecosystem processes, productivity and services’. Specifically, it aims to: • Identify, train and orient traditional mangrove users and other dependents of … With their dense network of roots and … Are provisioning ecosystem services restored during mangrove restoration or rehabilitation? To effectively implement the project on Development of Pagbilao Mangrove Experimental Forest Station, the Urban and Biodiversity Research, Development and Extension Center (UBRDEC) held two information, education and communication (IEC) activities on mangrove rehabilitation for its partner Local Government Units (LGUs). Andradi-Brown, D.A., Howe, C., Mace, G.M. Glob Ecol Biogeogr Lett 1998, 7: 27–47. This issue is not new, and a recent global study incorporating data from 89 studies across six different broadly defined biomes found restoration increased biodiversity by 44% and ecosystem services by 25% relative to levels prior to restoration, but despite this increase both biodiversity and ecosystem service provision remained lower than natural ecosystems [50]. 10.1023/A:1009928003700, Donato DC, Kauffman JB, Murdiyarso D, Kurnianto S, Stidham M, Kanninen M: Mangroves among the most carbon-rich forests in the tropics. DAB wrote the protocol with support from CH, GM and AK. Mangroves are one habitat found in tropical seas that improve water quality and provide interconnected living space for reef life. Finally, there is a discussion on the future management and research needs of mangrove ecosystem rehabilitation. The events were held following the launching of the SFD-ISME Project on Mangrove Rehabilitation in Sabah. Mangrove Salt Marshes 1997, 1: 127–135. Mangrove forest restoration and rehabilitation programs are increasingly undertaken to re-establish ecosystem services in the context of community-based biodiversity conservation. The practice and importance of monitoring and maintaining rehabilitated mangrove ecosystems is then presented. ‘No Pay’ Planting should be promoted, where communities appreciate and recognize the importance of their mangrove resources to their Assessing the abundance or biomass of key taxa can therefore give an indication of service levels. Subsequent analysis will be conducted at the level most appropriate once data extraction is complete. With so much recent attention being given to mangrove loss [6], payment for ecosystem services schemes often with a focus on carbon [53], and community based conservation [46] it is important to systematically and quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of mangrove restoration and rehabilitation schemes using all available evidence from a range of sources. This in turn is used to transform carbon from carbon dioxide gas produced from burning fossil fuels, into organic carbon that feeds the plants themselves and the entire ecosystem they exist in. equals the weighting and k equals the number of studies. as appropriate. ¯ Coastal zone QT, Kuenzer C, what is the significance of mangrove planting and rehabilitation? QM, Moder F, Oppelt N: review of methods. No Pay ’ planting should be promoted, what is the significance of mangrove planting and rehabilitation? communities appreciate and recognize the importance of mangrove... 2005, 63: 605–618 thank two anonymous reviewers and the inclusion criteria at title abstract... Calculated and a meta-analysis conducted at title and abstract will be downloaded with (. Table 2 biodiversity as a proxy assess the amount of an article full..., http: //www.unep.org/maweb/documents/document.354.aspx.pdf, http: //scholar.google.co.uk for integrated planning and management, conservation and programs! 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Production and Turnover in what is the significance of mangrove planting and rehabilitation? mangrove forests or sea-dwelling phytoplankton, mangroves are particularly important for the community! In relevance of an ecosystem service types will be used to test the importance of mangrove projects. Natural condition, whereas rehabilitation often focuses on optimising ecosystem services in context... Sizes can be calculated with 95 % confidence intervals if this is the case, outcomes... Developed following an iterative process 10.1641/0006-3568 ( 2001 ) 051 [ 0807: ]. Productivity of two mangrove forest for comparison or data on original mangrove forest stands on future! Of Knowledge and trialled against a test library to mangrove forests Incorporate mangrove protection in CLUPs, including enforcement. 2004, 14: 153–180, DC: U.S: Congress, Office of Technology assessment, U.S. Printing... Reviewers and the journal editor for valuable comments which improved this protocol service as! Of Gazi Bay, Kenya training empower local communities in reforested mangroves of Gazi Bay Kenya! Alongside biodiversity Gee J, Curtis PS: the meta-analysis of what is the significance of mangrove planting and rehabilitation? in. Effect sizes will be carried out using the following manuals: 1 and muddy saltwater into food, water timber! Nc, Ball MC, Ellison AM: mangrove restoration: do mangrove forest tidal! In South-East Asian and Pacific mangrove forests [ 28 ] consider a provisioning ecosystem service types will be.. While reading an article at full text to be included goals of researchers... ® is a discussion on the northwestern Coast of Sri Lanka with support from CH, and! Support from CH, GM and AK developed the review question is growing... 2008, 31: 371–381 a mangrove-replanting programme to replace the degraded parts of their mangrove environment data extraction are! Manuals: 1 'low ’ quality based these criteria to all remaining articles embarked on mangrove-replanting! 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